Shrujan | About Shrujan
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About Shrujan

Craft Revival and Craft Entrepreneurship Since 1969


Shrujan (meaning Creativity in Sanskrit) is a not-for-profit organization working with craftswomen in Kutch to revitalize the ancient craft of hand embroidery.


Shrujan craftswomen create a range of beautiful hand embroidered items that are sold in our shops and through regular exhibitions all over India and abroad. Over the years, Shrujan’s work has expanded to include research into and documentation of the diverse embroideries of Kutch, and the communities that practise these embroideries; we are also involved in other outreach activities in different parts of Kutch.


In 2010, Shrujan split into two separate organizations. Shrujan Creations works with craftswomen to create and sell hand embroidered products. Shrujan Trust aims to take forward the effort to revive and preserve the crafts of Kutch. As part of this effort, the Living and Learning Design Centre, a crafts museum and resource centre, was set up in 2016.

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