Shrujan | Hand Embroidery
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Hand Embroidery

Hand embroidery has been practised by women in Kutch as a form of personal expression and used as a symbol of community identity for centuries. Shrujan was among the first to recognize its potential as a practical means to enable craftswomen to earn a home-based, sustainable and dignified livelihood.


Craftswomen who form part of the Shrujan family belong to 12 different communities. Each community has its own traditional style of embroidery, and many communities practise more than one style.


Shrujan craftswomen embroider in more than 50 different styles.They are proud to use the skill in their hands to stand tall on their feet. Their passion for excellence is what makes Shrujan embroidery like no other, anywhere in the world.


You can find out more about the items they embroider, and also buy a variety of hand embroidered items from