Shrujan | Crafts Museum
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Crafts Museum

One of Shrujan’s enduring objectives has been to revive and revitalize the rich and diverse craft traditions of Kutch.


Over the last few decades, we have undertaken projects to revive forgotten embroidery designs, to research the embroidery heritage of Kutch and record it through books and films, and to enable embroidery craftswomen to create new designs and learn from one another.


Our latest effort is the Living and Learning Design Centre (LLDC). LLDC is an international standard crafts museum, and the very first museum show, The Living Embroideries of Kutch, was inaugurated in 2016.


LLDC is, however, much more than a museum. It is envisioned as a multi-dimensional crafts education and resource centre, where craftspeople can meet and learn from one another. Our hope is that it will help us do for the other crafts of Kutch what we have been able to achieve for hand embroidery.